In its inimitable style, the Wooster Group plans on turning the film back into a play.
Art is a religion for the members of the Wooster Group.
This is the kind of advice the Wooster Group knows just what to do with.
Forever the Wooster Group, which has become so sort of institutional chic.
In 1993, the Wooster Group did a reading of the play, but decided to wait before producing a full version, while other projects were developed.
The Wooster Group was too cool, you might have thought, to stay hot, or even to stay together.
He was, in other words, a ready-made soul mate for the Wooster Group.
And whatever the Wooster Group is doing I'll go see.
He has also worked as a sound designer for the Wooster Group.
She has also worked for smaller theaters like the Wooster Group.