At the bottom of Windsor Street there is a cemetery with an archway.
Police are appealing for witnesses to the incident, which happened at 11am on Monday in Windsor Street, Toxteth.
Many buildings along the High Street and Windsor Street had been demolished to make way for the new precinct.
She's caretaker of the Jewish cemetery on Windsor Street.
A long history of metal working exists and from the 19th century a prosperous bell foundry, Eldridge was in Windsor Street.
"I bet you any money we go up Windsor Street and find the basket," says Dan.
They do just that, go up Windsor Street, there's no sign of the basket.
Some changes to the boundaries of the cemetery were negotiated with the city in the 1950s due to the city's need to realign Windsor Street.
In 1871 the town's first purpose-built police station was built in Windsor Street.
In addition, just off the High Street is Windsor Street, a short road populated by older shops.