This confused many residents who read the Windsor Star while this was reported, since both bring in over $C 1.5 million each per year.
School staff agreed, later telling the Windsor Star that he rarely got into trouble, and was capable, but unable to concentrate for extended periods.
The 45th anniversary of the event was commemorated by the Windsor Star on October 25, 2005.
He later served a 25-day voluntary work program (Windsor Star, 1 September 1990).
He was 57 years old at the time of the election (Windsor Star, 24 August 1990).
A subsequent poll showed him in third place (Windsor Star, 12 June 2004).
The Windsor Star deemed the show as "must-viewing for movie buffs".
He has written for the Windsor Star, and operates a blog.
During this election, Brown described himself as a computer systems analyst (Windsor Star, May 12, 1999).
She was 36 years old at the time of the campaign (Windsor Star, 16 September 2003).