Easy Icon Maker - A small but powerful program for Windows icons in many sizes and color depths, which supports importing from other formats.
With the Nikishki closed, users could tap and swipe through the Windows icons and interface on the underside of the trackpad, like a tablet.
Ikonize is a screen capture utility specifically designed to allow you to cut up pieces of displayed graphics and use them for Windows icons.
Its main raison d'etre is to let you do silly, impressive and even downright offensive things to your boring old Windows icons and the desktop.
An icon library is a way to package Windows icons.
Users can also replace their default Windows icons with icons that emulate Bluecurve, using the IconPackager application.
Zurk is a DOS program for a 386 operating system or better, VGA and a hard disk; the installation routine will create a Windows icon.
Icons can also be converted from one format to another, for instance from a Macintosh icon to a Windows icon.
All terrain tiles, some landscape features, all monsters and objects, and some spell/effect graphics take the form of Windows 3.1 icons.
If the Windows icon in Navigator was clicked, the program would become minimized.