Windows Update was introduced with the launch of Windows 98 as a web site.
Routine Windows Updates will no longer bring our site down.
So anyway, everyone wants to run through Windows Update, get themselves current, because there was a bunch of things that need to get fixed.
Certainly Windows Update does not require you to log in.
As the number of updates offered by Windows Update grew, this resulted in performance concerns.
Then we let the hundred or so patches come through Windows Update.
We are attempting to get clarification on why previous Windows Updates did not cause similar problems in the past.
But it is available much more easily now through Windows Update.
It went out to Windows Update, got the drivers, and suddenly enabled all of the tablet stuff.
However, the latest version of Windows Update includes wups2.
Windows Update was introduced with the launch of Windows 98 as a web site.
Routine Windows Updates will no longer bring our site down.
So anyway, everyone wants to run through Windows Update, get themselves current, because there was a bunch of things that need to get fixed.
Certainly Windows Update does not require you to log in.
As the number of updates offered by Windows Update grew, this resulted in performance concerns.
Then we let the hundred or so patches come through Windows Update.
We are attempting to get clarification on why previous Windows Updates did not cause similar problems in the past.
But it is available much more easily now through Windows Update.
It went out to Windows Update, got the drivers, and suddenly enabled all of the tablet stuff.
However, the latest version of Windows Update includes wups2.