Seems a bit of an overreaction just because Windows does not work as intended.
The process isn't difficult, but you'll need to know a little more about how Windows works in order to be able to do the job efficiently.
But it does give a hint of one way in which Windows would actually work as a touch operating system.
Windows 2000 does not have native support but may work with third party drivers.
They can't change it because of a legacy software that, you know, requires Windows to work in a certain way.
Incidentally, although Windows will work without a mouse, that approach is definitely not recommended.
But no one is really looking - see, they don't care about how Windows is working.
Consumers need to know that Windows will work in a consistent manner no matter what kind of computer they buy.
This is like - this has been the way Windows has always worked.
So this is just the way Windows works.