Instead of taking his dog for a walk, or composing an email to his grandchildren, he should have been paying ceaseless attention to ... his Wikipedia biography.
One of the three also received a police caution for defacing Cameron's Wikipedia biography.
The Wikipedia biography was later changed to include a mention of the allegations' potential impact on Edwards' political career.
Shortly after the controversy broke, Kessler confirmed to TPM that he attempted to remove information documenting it from his Wikipedia biography.
Of his Wikipedia biography, Allain has said that it "is brief - but again not wrong".
In an attempt to establish credibility, these emails linked to Gaddafi's Wikipedia biography.
(The above Wikipedia biography is not by Paul Jones L.R.P.S.)
Because Wikipedia biographies are often updated as soon as new information comes to light, they are often used as a reference source on the lives of notable people.
Some notable people's lives are being affected by their Wikipedia biography.
Recipients of the Order of Blue Sky and White Sun with Wikipedia biographies.