In a few hours they rounded the wide point that marked the entrance to Whitefish Bay.
Ever since, the ship has lain undisturbed 538 feet below the surface of Whitefish Bay, off eastern Michigan.
The historic buildings and state marker are on the right of the trail facing Whitefish Bay.
The master of the Zillah decided to turn around and take shelter in Whitefish Bay.
All 17 crewmen of the Myron drowned or froze to death in Whitefish Bay.
The border continues through Lake Superior and reaches Whitefish Bay.
Whitefish Bay, a bay between the United States and Canada.
The glow from the fire could be seen as far away as Whitefish Bay.
For the boating enthusiast, a launch provides access to Whitefish Bay.
Whitefish Bay became the site of numerous shipwrecks after the Soo Locks opened in 1855.