In the meantime, White has safeguarded the king and regained the pawn.
White fell out of the top-32 at the end of the 2005/2006 season and has not regained this status to date.
The following morning White regains consciousness and must dive into a stream, falling down a waterfall before he can progress any further.
White regains his pawn, because of the pin on the e-pawn by White's queen (if 19...exd5??
White may regain one of the two sacrificed pieces with 6.
He could instead have played 9 Ng5 hg 10 Bg5, when White regains his piece, or retreated his bishop with 9 Bg3.
White regains the knight by a queen fork next move.
Thus White regains his piece, for none of 21.
After 16 Nd5 cd 17 ed, White regained his sacrificed piece with a strong attack.
The Queen's Gambit is somewhat misnamed, since White can always regain the offered pawn if desired.