Although many felt that the area was unfavorable for oil reserves, White persisted and soon gained enough local support to drill.
White can now gain material with 5.
Black can instead accept the gambit with 5...dxc3 but this is riskier because White will gain a lead in development.
Moreover, White cannot gain anything by playing 6 Bg5 or 6 Bc4.
White has gained the opposition and Black is now in zugzwang.
White gained 133 yards on 22 carries, scoring one touchdown.
White, who carried 34 times, gained 62 yards in Los Angeles's final 94-yard drive to set up the winning kick.
Nd2 b6 and in one game White gained a minimal edge.
During her mother's illness White gained weight and looked older than her age.
Most opening theoreticians believe that White should gain the advantage and at best Black is playing for a draw.