As of the census of 2000, it is estimated that there were 47,844 people residing in the Westwood neighborhood.
Persian businesses in the L.A. area originally centered in the Westwood neighborhood of the Westside.
Those include a security perimeter around the bureau's offices in the Westwood neighborhood of the city.
Weisman died at age 66 due to heart disease on July 18, 2009, at his home in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles.
In 1989, however, Harbor Gateway was tied with the Westwood neighborhood as Los Angeles's second-fastest-growing area, Sylmar being first.
The area defined as the CDP may not correspond exactly with local understanding of the Westwood neighborhood.
The school is located in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California.
They live in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles.
In 2006, there were 71 reported criminal incidents in the Westwood neighborhood.
As of the 2000 census, the population of the Westwood neighborhood was 2145 persons living in 1015 households.