The Westinghouse competition has long been considered a good barometer of the scientific potential of the nation's top students.
Five past winners in the Westinghouse competition have gone on to win Nobel Prizes.
School officials encouraged him to enter his work in the Westinghouse competition.
For the collection of 40 finalists gathered here, the Westinghouse competition provided one of the rare opportunities to converse easily with others about their projects.
Dr. Swartz said he and other early contestants prepared for the Westinghouse competition very much on their own.
The 10 winners of this year's Westinghouse competition will be announced here on Monday.
The Origin of the Prize What has happened to the Westinghouse competition?
Winning a place in the Westinghouse competition is just the first step of what promises to be a shining future for these students and us.
He became one of the youngest winners ever in the Westinghouse competition.
The Westinghouse competition is watched closely by the nation's science community because it is regarded as a good barometer of future achievement.