Boorstin announces in his "Note to the Reader" (above) that he approaches the subject from a Western orientation.
He had a Western orientation, like ours, which is lacking in other Arab leaders.
Among these are the two countries' geographic proximity, King Hussein's Western orientation, and Jordan's modest territorial aspirations.
In line with its traditional Western orientation, relations with Europe have always been a central part of Turkish foreign policy.
These leaders imparted a Western orientation that continued to dominate in the 1980s.
Is China perfect for a Western orientation?
Freud can possibly be regarded as a turning point in Western orientation from the infinite to the self.
That, Mr. Lukin said, will require a Western orientation, though not necessarily close relations with the Americans.
With the fall of France, a policy of Western orientation was no longer considered an option in Finnish foreign policy.
The generals claim to act in defense of secularism and Turkey's Western orientation.