All the Americans interviewed live in company compounds, walled to keep Western mores inside, hidden from the society at large.
There is urban, and urbane, Pakistan, where Western mores are more accepted, although nudity would never be seen on television or scantily clad women on billboards.
He also advocates having Muslim scholars in the West who are versed in Western mores, and not relying on religious studies that come only from the Islamic world.
But abortions have declined; if infertility is rising, as many seem to believe, the blame probably lies with the spread of Western sexual mores and the explosion of venereal diseases that followed.
Eng Tieng-Bin, the patriarch, is caught between his traditional Chinese household, including three wives, and the seductions of Western mores and religion.
To them, Bunyamin suddenly changed, wanting a woman of Western mores.
The Government, a fierce critic of Western mores and culture, has instituted a series of bold economic measures, including the floating of the currency and a lifting of subsidies on basic commodities.
The weeks that followed were a crash course in Western mores that proved as valuable as anything else he learned at Maryland.
On the streets, it is readily apparent that young people, who have little if any memories of Soviet domination, have embraced Western European mores, hence all those fashion shops.
Most of these myths have been weakened by contact with Western mores, but many have stood the test of changing times; these vidokoni (fictitious stories) have a moral behind them.