In 2002, this epic story of Western Australian jurisprudence, begun with the events of the late 1950s and early 1960s, approached its conclusion: the conviction of John Button for manslaughter was quashed.
It should be noted, however, that socialist legality itself still lacked important features associated with Western jurisprudence.
The available data regarding the normative organization of the Chorotegan people indicate that from the point of view of Western jurisprudence, it was a system of minimal complexity based on precedence, with minor infractions and few sanctions.
The Supreme Court has described the standard of review as one of the narrowest known to Western jurisprudence.
Corpus delicti (plural: corpora delicti) (Latin: "body of crime") is a term from Western jurisprudence referring to the principle that a crime must have been proven to have occurred before a person can be convicted of committing that crime.
Many protections of Western jurisprudence are not present in Kyrgyzstan's system, which retains many features of the Soviet system.
The basic, universally acclaimed tenet of Western jurisprudence is that an individual is presumed innocent until proved guilty.
Other Islamists include some of the founders of Mogadishu University, which teaches Arabic alongside economics, and Sharia law in the same classes as Western jurisprudence.