"Didgeridoo" is considered to be an onomatopoetic word of Western invention.
From Bach, the acceleration of instrument creation led to yet another peculian Western invention, the orchestra.
She rejects the label of Islamic Wahhabism applied to Saudis as a Western invention.
Imperial rule was of course neither a modern nor a Western invention, nor intrinsically tied to capitalism.
The distinctions of "religious/secular" and "religious/political" are modern Western inventions.
Mayans have described the 2012 phenomenon as a Western invention that has no relation to authentic Mayan beliefs.
Despite the Chinese dress, decor, music and poetry, this production is as much a Western invention as a recreation of old China.
Reading these accounts, which temper enthusiasm with undisguised disdain, one remembers that art history itself is a Western invention.
Human rights are not a Western invention.
He seems to think cultural imperialism is a Western invention, but the truth is that it is one of the most ancient human activities.