The soup of the day, a creamy mushroom, was Western fare.
But you won't drool over the long menu of dull Chinese, local and Western fare served in the cavernous dining room on the 2nd floor.
Western fare has a bit of old Russia clinging to it, especially in pastries and braised dishes.
Often, this would be varied with Western fare like pasta and baked beans; one day we even had homemade pizza.
Besides Western fare, the buffet includes traditional African dishes like oxtail stew, tripe and maize porridge.
Chinese dishes are by far the best, but most people order Western fare like pizza and apple pie.
The menu includes Korean, Japanese and Western fare, and there's a glassed-in garden room.
The menu features Western and Indonesian fare that's well-prepared.
They dined on Western fare as interpreted by her French chef.
And rice consumption is declining as young people grow accustomed to Kentucky Fried Chicken and other Western fare.