They were in the hands of the Western medical establishment- such as it was in the Five Tribes Confederation.
Inevitably, the story of narcotics is closely intertwined with the story of the Western medical establishment.
The United Nations is once again being used to prove it is a Western establishment working to protect Western interests.
In the early 1990s, Whiskey Dust was the anchor of a trio of authentic Western establishments that turned Hudson Street between West 10th and Charles Streets into a miniature cow town.
He said that "while Western establishments lull themselves to sleep with fairy tales, ordinary citizens, who are defeated and demoralised, mull their revenge."
I patronize a previously disdained restaurant called Spaghetti and Cake (Kyoto has a number of these "Western" establishments; another is Coffee and Golf) and am disappointed - huge shock.
Western medical establishments tend to deride complementary therapies.
The confusion, and there really is confusion in Western establishments now, spotlights the failure all these years to develop contingency planning for arms control alongside military planning.
Dubai, a modern city with easy access to a major airport, travel agencies, hotels, and Western commercial establishments, was an ideal transit point.
The Soviet military may well have given a sigh of relief that it wasn't being asked to cut back a good deal more at this stage, thanks to the Western establishments.