He knows the jargon of Western discourse.
Western discourse has favoured the Gelugpa view of this debate, the champion of which is Chandrakirti who challenged Bhavaviveka.
Western discourse tends to use these terms interchangeably, but there is a distinction between a first insight, and the further development toward Buddhahood.
In Western discourse, individual rights are often associated with political and economic freedom, whereas group rights are associated with social control.
Western discourses were taken over, and western polemic styles were applied to defend indigenous traditions.
Although rooted in Islam, the movement's pioneers have also utilized secular and Western feminist discourses.
What has been written about berdaches reflects more the influence of existing Western discourses on gender, sexuality and the Other than what observers actually witnessed.
"She takes a largely factual and cautious position that reflects the thinking of moderate Arab governments, but is sometimes outside normal Western discourse."
But centuries of Western discourse have never settled on a principled answer as to who deserves which deserts.