Critics also blame Western corporations that cooperate in enforcing segregation.
The resentment, strongest where key resources and local economies have been exploited by multinational Western corporations, has had a major impact on world events.
Firstly, many countries have management arrangements with Western corporations whose main concern is making a profit.
Here was a clear example of Western corporations using hard-sell marketing techniques on vulnerable mothers who couldn't afford the product.
That is why we need Russian companies for sponsors, in addition to Western corporations.
Despite the best of intentions, neither Western corporations, nor wealthy philanthropists, are equipped to solve all these problems.
In addition the companies will seek sponsorship from Western corporations for performances both at home and abroad.
In a large Western corporation, this would probably be called a problem of interlocking directorates.
The company said profits rose to 5.3 billion rupees ($120 million), as Western corporations continued to send work overseas.
The developing world stays primarily a market, not an investment destination, for Western corporations.