They were often sent to Western colonies in Asia where there was a strong demand from Western military personnel and Chinese men.
This was one of the most powerful and responsible positions in the colony, and it accorded him a seat on the colony's Western Australian Executive Council.
As Western colonies began to gain their independence in the later half of the 20th century, mission practitioners and missiologists began to question many paradigms of colonial mission practice.
A number of political changes in neighbouring Arab countries illustrated to the Palestinian Arabs what could be achieved in a Western colony through political pressure and negotiating skill.
The town was once the centre of a vast sheep station, and was, in the early years of the Western Australian colony, one of the largest farming enterprises so far established.
These houses were attached to sugar plantations in the Western colonies.
Two days later, he appeared in the Western colony of Cal-cutta.
In December 1941, Japan attacked Western colonies in the Pacific.
Famines in Western colonies - like India.
There were also many brave men and women who resisted the Japanese occupation of their homeland and Western colonies during World War II.