Western accounts long claimed Ramírez Sánchez as a KGB agent.
Sinologists only investigated official archives that contain reports from the Chinese armies, in addition to Western accounts on Christian persecution.
The Western regional account was awarded last month to Ground Zero in Santa Monica, Calif.
Western psychological accounts of 'race' resemble those in other discourses, but they include some important characteristics of their own.
How much distortion was there in Western accounts of the harem?
In doing so, these historians challenged both the Soviet and the Western accounts of the revolution.
But Western accounts never ask if Ukraine's questions have merit.
It also permitted debate before, during and after battles, debate that has given Western accounts of military history extraordinary variety and authority.
To this day, many Western historical accounts of the Pacific War still use McCoy's system to identify Japanese aircraft.
Some early Western accounts refer to a deity known as Deumus, Demus or Deumo.