Very popular from 19th century until recently and continues to be used by some Western academics.
Among Western academics too, the question has proved controversial.
Western academics view the hadith collections with caution as accurate historical sources.
And several Western academics have written on women's religious education.
Modern jurisprudence and philosophy of law is dominated today primarily by Western academics.
The discussion with him here, led by the television interviewer David Frost and including Western academics, was one such event.
By 2001, many Western academics who were specialists in China were getting research funds from the foundation.
Some Western academics argue that anticommunist narratives have exaggerated the extent of political repression and censorship in states under communist rule.
Most estimates place the total number of deaths between 600,000 (by Turkish authorities) and 1,500,000 (by Western academics).
According to her, in the well-ordered world of Western academics, research precedes policy, and is the foundation of policy.