The center of the Wayne business district is the intersection of Lancaster Avenue and Wayne Avenue, its main street.
Just south of the I-87 overpass, NY 59 meets US 202 at Wayne Avenue.
Samuel N. Brown House is an historic structure at 1633 Wayne Avenue in Dayton, Ohio.
The home at 1633 Wayne Avenue was originally built for Samuel N. Brown whose company manufactured wheels and metal parts for buggies.
Wood Lane and Wayne Avenue, Haddonfield.
After this, the road enters Chambersburg and becomes Wayne Avenue, a five-lane road with a center left-turn lane that passes more businesses.
Sligo Creek Parkway resumes its northwest course through Silver Spring and meets Wayne Avenue.
Earlier in the year the Route 53 (Wayne Avenue) trolley was eliminated on May 16, 1985, and transformed into bus route 57.
The Courier company occupied an earlier Stoddard building at Fourth Street and Wayne Avenue.
The line runs between the West Mount Airy and Hunting Park neighborhoods primarily along Wayne Avenue.