He was reported as having sought public relations advice from a Washington-based consulting firm.
The Washington-based firm specializes in food and drug regulation.
He was president and then chairman of the International Economic Policy Association, a Washington-based consulting firm, from 1974 to 1987.
Government documents show that the Washington-based firm was run by Mr. Singletary and a partner.
Clifford Alexander, who runs a Washington-based consulting firm that heads up baseball's drive to improve its hiring methods, believes vigilance is absolutely necessary.
Horinko is currently president of the Horinko Group, a Washington-based environmental consulting firm.
PlanEcon, a Washington-based consulting firm, estimates that economic and political dislocations have caused significant losses in Soviet oil production.
The Pentagon may want to blame this fiasco on the Lincoln Group, the Washington-based firm it hired to place the articles.
Allen is president of the Richard V. Allen Company, a Washington-based consulting services firm.