Sooner or later, foreign investors will discover Zambia, and the sputtering Lusaka market will be one reason they do, say officials of the Washington-based agency.
What is the most effective balance between top-down management out of Washington-based agencies and local preferences and desires?
This weekend the 151 member Governments of both Washington-based agencies are sending finance ministers and central bankers here for a review of global economic issues, including a new strategy for helping ease the debt burden of third-world countries.
Conservatives pushed through a budget cut for the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, a Washington-based agency financed by the Southern Baptists and several other Baptist groups.
The monetary fund, a Washington-based international agency that helps countries in financial trouble, had already agreed to a $7.8 billion loan to Mexico.
The Washington-based international agency, financed by leading industrial nations, makes about $7 billion in development loans to Latin America each year.
Mr. Hamlen has settled the second task on the National Community AIDS Partnership, a Washington-based advisory agency established five years ago through a Ford Foundation grant.
"The mail-order companies are present electronically and they are present economically," said Alan H. Friedman, general counsel to the Multistate Tax Commission, a Washington-based interstate agency.
The I.M.F.'s criticisms of the United States were contained in its semiannual World Economic Outlook, prepared by the international staff of the Washington-based agency.
"We are not into the political side of things," said Stanley Fischer, the deputy managing director of the Washington-based agency.