As a child, he bristled at being excluded from segregated schools in his Washington neighborhood simply because he was black.
A bank would charge far less, but there is not one within walking distance of her house in the poor Washington neighborhood of Anacostia.
A10 The Washington neighborhood of Georgetown is divided over whether it should change its elitist image.
Kopechne lived in the Washington neighborhood of Georgetown with three other women.
Less than 100 yards away, cars and buses honked on a busy avenue in a Washington neighborhood known for indiscriminate gunplay.
Capitol Hill is the most recent Washington neighborhood to experience a surge in development.
Some share her grief; all share the alarm over violence in Washington neighborhoods.
As Washington neighborhoods undergo gentrification, crime has been displaced further east.
Under our proposal, the authority could pay the actual market rent and would save enough money to aid 200 additional low-income families in that Washington neighborhood alone.
They were in a typical Washington residential neighborhood, older houses, each with a screened porch.