This morning's client is Robert Nixon, who represents a Washington environmental group and has agreed to the presence of a reporter.
Leonsis has been deluged with invitations from old Washington groups since he bought the Capitals.
Field has not only promoted the Washington groups that monitor Government policies but has also worked with other foundations on projects of mutual interest.
Lately, the parent organization had been exerting more control over policies of the Washington group, the former staff member said.
"People enjoy the Washington group getting up and making fools of themselves," he said.
Indicative of the local political climate, a Washington group, the Family Research Institute, moved here last month.
The winning Washington group is headed by John Akridge 3d, a real estate developer.
In the Washington group, only 21 percent of the participants thought 1973 was the oldest, but 44 percent correctly picked 1977 as the youngest.
Mr. Wertheimer estimates that half of the Washington group bought this coverage.
Still, some Washington groups continue to meet and are optimistic.