He was the head cook at the mansion in the 1780s, cooking for the Washington family and their guests.
The farm was named after the Washington family had left the property.
The Washington family goes to appalling lengths in order to keep their diamond a secret.
The known history of the Washington family goes back to the 12th century.
The buttons had been removed and divided among his descendants (remaining in the Washington family until 1930).
In 1969, they paid $199,000 for the place, which has changed hands a number of times since the Washington family sold it in 1774.
Helped Washington families during these tough times by providing a temporary increase in unemployment benefits to 70,000 citizens.
About 1925, the Washington family moved to Chicago, and the band dissolved.
The tower once bore the arms of the Washington family, but these have been moved and are now re-set inside it.
Under her leadership, we are building a better future for Washington families.