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I'm thinking maybe he's making money on security ware or something.
She appeared to think for a moment, then turned again to Ware.
The less of a ware there is, the higher its price.
Behind them the road went west, until it came to the city of Ware.
Ware would not be specific about his reasons for having left.
Ware continued, trying to find words that would make it clear to her.
It would be a good thing if Ware only knew what to expect here.
Ware had not been able to give her any advice here.
The old man smiled and called a word of thanks to Ware.
I don't like it here at night, especially with Ware gone.
It was very difficult for her even to say the words, yet she did not want Ware to know that.
Nothing Ware said could be taken at absolute face value.
Ware moved into the ownership role to continue the team.
So he started the second half with Ware, not expecting too much.
Ware tried several times to say something, then shrugged, and gave up.
She could not see herself becoming the woman that Ware described.
Ware is right; there are no laws against what he offered.
Although they had been told not to leave the road, Ware decided that a look around this strange place was in order.
But the longer Ware spoke, the less certain he sounded.
"Have you ever seen anything like the creatures here before, Ware?"
Only the knowledge of how nearly they had murdered Ware did that.
He stopped and stood silent, waiting to speak to Ware.
Major Ware let the hand holding the letter drop to his side.
Ware was being set up by a couple of pros.
She looked directly into Ware's eyes for the first time since the journey began.