Two of the victims in yesterday's blaze at 193 Warburton Avenue were found immediately inside the locked front door.
The museum overlooks the river at 511 Warburton Avenue in Yonkers.
The museum has a close working relationship with the magnet elementary school, which is its next-door neighbor on Warburton Avenue here.
This part of the trail runs along a ridge high above Warburton Avenue, which is down to the left and mostly out of view.
The museum is at 511 Warburton Avenue and Admission is $3.
The museum is at 511 Warburton Avenue overlooking the river.
The phone number of the museum, at 511 Warburton Avenue, is 963-4550.
The museum is at 511 Warburton Avenue, and the phone number for more information is 963-4550.
The site sits about 100 feet above Warburton Avenue, which is the street closest to the river.
The museum, at 511 Warburton Avenue, offers information at 963-4550.