The company struggled until corporate fortunes improved with the war mobilization of the 1940s.
The emergency mentality from the recent war mobilization helped.
As part of the war mobilization, entire communities sprang up around factories manufacturing military goods.
It was a vast propaganda movement, with war mobilization and military maneuvers on a scale that China had never experienced before.
With the start of full-scale war mobilization in the summer of 1940, the cities revived.
Truman proposed creating a super-department to put domestic war mobilization under one roof.
Isabelle helps Martial escape and learns that war mobilization will soon be announced.
Although the majority has not been timbered since Baruch's purchase, some harvesting was done in 1944 and 1945 to support war mobilization.
The war mobilization dramatically expanded union membership, from 8.7 million in 1940 to over 14.3 million in 1945, about 36% of the work force.
The war mobilization also changed the CIO's relationship with both employers and the national government.