The Waksman Institute of Microbiology, a Rutgers research arm, is 27 miles from Trenton, where four letters containing anthrax were mailed.
He is Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University and Laboratory Director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology.
Ebright was appointed as a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry at Rutgers University and as a Laboratory Director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology in 1987.
Joachim (Jo) Messing is a university professor of Molecular Biology and the fourth director of the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University.
Dr. Ebright is a protein biochemist and faculty member at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology, a research arm of Rutgers in Piscataway, N.J.
The Waksman Institute has 16 resident faculty members, 5 nonresident faculty members, 39 postdoctoral researchers, 17 technical assistants and 31 graduate students.
Warren Maltzman, of the Waksman Institute of Rutgers University first demonstrated that TP53 was responsive to DNA damage in the form of ultraviolet radiation.
She graduated from Rosemount College in Rosemount, Pa., and earned a doctorate from the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University.
Waksman Institute of Microbiology is a research facility on the Busch Campus of Rutgers University.
Students also have the Opportunity to take part in research opportunities, such as the Waksman Institute at Rutgers University.