From Robert B. Weide: "On Saturday, June 21st, a public tribute/celebration honoring Allen Ginsberg was held at the Wadsworth Theater in Los Angeles for an audience of approximately 1,500 people.
The film premiered at the Wadsworth Theatre in Los Angeles in January 1989 as the opening selection of the third Los Angeles Animation Celebration.
The 1st Annual Streamy Awards were held on Saturday, March 28, 2009, at the Wadsworth Theatre in Los Angeles, California.
In 1994 she premiered her 56-performer piece Zone at the UCLA Center for the Performing Arts Wadsworth Theatre.
She then was cast as the female lead in a production of Salome, playing at the Wadsworth Theatre, also starring director Al Pacino.
In October 2006 the church opened its first hybrid, Westside Shepherd of the Hills Church, based at the Wadsworth Theatre on the grounds of the Veterans Administration in Brentwood, California.
By January 16, 2012, filming moved to Los Angeles and southern California, including the Wadsworth Theatre.
The series was launched in the United States on 24 August 2005, at Wadsworth Theatre in Los Angeles.
The Presidential Forum on Renewable Energy sponsored a presidential candidate forum on the afternoon of Saturday, November 17, 2007 at the Wadsworth Theater in Los Angeles.
Follies was part of L.A.'s Reprise series, and it was housed at the Wadsworth Theatre, presented as a staged concert, running from June 15 to June 23, 2002.