It acceded to the WIPO treaty on 13 September 2005, which came into action at the end of the year.
And the WIPO treaties remain ambiguous.
Industry Minister Jim Prentice introduced the bill to improve compliance with WIPO treaties.
Some proponents of the law claim it was necessary to implement several WIPO treaties.
The WIPO treaty and several related international agreements are premised on the notion that the protection of intellectual property rights are essential to maintaining economic growth.
When countries sign WIPO treaties, they still need to pass the laws back home that implement those treaties.
Both Canada and Switzerland signed on to the WIPO treaties, but each country does have significant discretion in how the treaties are implemented.
In addition, a reader pointed out that simply signing the WIPO treaties did not create a legal obligation for countries to ratify them.
Iran is a member of the WIPO since 2001 and has acceded to several WIPO intellectual-property treaties.
Here we carry an important responsibility as the coming into force of the WIPO treaties depends largely on this directive and therefore on us.