Here, in the region's biggest town, however, voters appeared to be taking a different view of the election.
Voters appeared to be finding the right mix of heart and message.
Throughout the morning, he confronted the age question, and many voters appeared to agree with his assessment that it is not an issue.
And voters appear to turn against the incumbent party when they believe their situation has worsened.
Voters appeared to feel that such a sweeping measure would further undermine the economy.
The voters also appear to be resisting the candidates' efforts to define the nature of this year's choice.
Instead, voters appear to put more weight on what they think is in the country's best interest, using whatever clues they can.
Few voters appear to, and even less care to hear anymore about it, lawmakers discovered at home during the recess.
But for now, the mood among tribal and religious leaders as well potential voters appears to be one of apathy.
Still, two hours after polls opened, voters appeared to be turning out in large numbers in the capital.