And in a survey by Voter Research and Surveys as voters left polling places, 58 percent said they wanted more candidates to enter the race.
The survey was conducted by Voter Research and Surveys, a consortium of the four television networks.
At times, network reporters described the projections as their own estimates, crediting the consortium, Voter Research and Surveys, only from time to time.
The poll was conducted by Voter Research and Surveys.
Using different techniques, Voter Research & Surveys, the television polling consortium, estimated a turnout rate of 54 percent for the voting-age population.
In 1990, a poll by Voter Research and Surveys, the television network polling combine, showed 79 percent staying with the party.
Data for 1992 were collected by Voter Research and Surveys based on questionnaires completed by 1,997 voters.
Data for 1992 were based on a survey conducted by Voter Research and Surveys with 15,490 voters.
The combined total was a quarter of the state's voting age population, according to Voter Research and Surveys.
Data for 1992 was based on surveys conducted by Voter Research and Surveys with 1,997 voters.