Ah, college football, a bipartisan passion in the Volunteer State and a temporary refuge from politics.
This casual dining restaurant chain spread quickly there are now more than 900 locations around the world but home base remains the Volunteer State.
The road "as the crow would fly" is a short distance in Volunteer State but traverses through two mountain ranges.
Tennessee, whose state nickname is "the Volunteer State"
Blount's efforts to raise funds and soldiers during the War of 1812 earned Tennessee the nickname, "Volunteer State."
The surprising number of volunteers earned Tennessee the nickname, "Volunteer State."
The Volunteer State is the nickname of the State of Tennessee.
That plays well with both old-line Southern Democrats and new-money Republicans in the Volunteer State.
A broken tow line became entangled in the propeller of one tug, the Volunteer State, which lost power and washed ashore with the dredge.
Stranded nearby was the Volunteer State, with three-foot waves breaking over its stern.