I began researching biodiesel and converted a 1981 Volkswagen Rabbit to run on 100 percent vegetable oil.
His Volkswagen Rabbit initially slips on the icy streets, but soon settles down.
Emily parked her yellow Volkswagen Rabbit around the corner as usual that Tuesday morning.
He stood in front of the house and watched them drive away until the red Volkswagen Rabbit was out of sight.
At the same time a man left yet another apartment, got into a Volkswagen Rabbit, and drove off.
Andrea's Volkswagen Rabbit was parked in the exact centre of the well-swept driveway.
He had initially declined the Court police help and started out in his Volkswagen Rabbit.
The first commercial car to use automatic seat belts was the 1975 Volkswagen Rabbit.
The year after, he moved on to a Volkswagen Rabbit.
The Volkswagen Rabbit was spitting oil for three years before they got around to correcting it.