But a spokeswoman for the Washington Convention and Visitors Association says it doesn't expect to start getting details from businesses or government until at least December.
Tampa-Hillsborough Convention and Visitors Association, (813) 223-1111 or (800) 826-8358, can provide information on all festival events.
The Presidential inaugural events over those four days is expected to bring in some 45,000 visitors, according to the Washington Convention and Visitors Association.
There are many additional organized sightseeing tours of Washington; you can check with your hotel concierge or Washington Convention and Visitors Association, (202) 789-7000.
Baltimore Area Convention & Visitors Association formed.
Gasparilla information is available from the Tampa-Hillsborough Convention and Visitors Association, (813) 223-1111, or (800) 826-8358.
For information, contact the Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association, (800) 343-3468; www.baltimore.org.
The Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Association, (800) 556-4639 or at www.indy.org, can help find accommodations.
But the Washington Convention and Visitors Association reported that tourism shows no sign of falling off.
Officials at the Tourism Convention and Visitors Association in Toronto declined to answer questions, saying the matter was not a tourism issue.