The commercial is sponsored by Visit London, which encourages tourists to go to the city.
On the way to the shortlist at regional heats, it also disposed of Visit London, Visit Scotland and Thomas Cook.
Details can be found at Visit London or check out Lonely Planet's range of London accommodation.
Description from "Visit London"
Zoe Craig from Visit London replied:
However, in 2010, The Cavendish celebrated winning a coveted gold award in Sustainable Tourism from Visit London.
In 2003, LTB became Visit London, a private company funded partly by partnership subscriptions and commercial activity.
He was also a regular presenter on Visit London's satellite channel London TV.
The advertisement, which is itself advertised as the world's first live theatrical commercial, is a creation of Visit London, a tourist organization.
Last night's ad began with a woman onstage putting the audience on notice that they would in fact be watching a commercial, "brought to you by Visit London."