"The tanks and other military vehicles are running short on fuel," the Virginia Republican said.
Virginia Republicans captured the statehouse, which meant they would control the redistricting process in 2002.
Any Virginia Republican could become a delegate if they paid a $45 registration fee.
Virginia Republicans badly need a major victory in November.
Jackson is the first non-white to be nominated to a statewide office by Virginia Republicans since 1988.
The 2008 Virginia Republican primary took place on February 12, 2008.
But Virginia Republicans have long insisted that at heart it is a Republican district and should be theirs because its voters are so conservative.
Reagan is furious at North, one Virginia Republican told me, "because he fingered him."
While Virginia Republicans take positions on a wide variety of issues, some of the noteworthy ones include:
Senator George Allen, Republican of Virginia, said a national testing regimen would be unnecessary in his state.