The viola solo near the start was beautifully played, a great promise of things to come.
It's just what the composer called it: a symphony with viola solo.
And "Harold," in addition to a program, has a viola solo, yet it isn't a concerto.
Even outrage is expressed in a tone of assumed bemusement before giving way to another viola solo.
After this, a viola solo begins, accompanied by bass guitar and organ, with drums joining later.
Samuel Rhodes came to the fore effectively in the expressive viola solos.
Devoid of a viola solo, it's no 'In The South', but still a fun play.
Darkening of the Light for viola solo (1961)
Melodic Geometry (2000) - viola solo (a mosaic of tiny connected pieces).
Viola Concerto (1984), viola solo and chamber orchestra, 22 minutes.