Coffee bar near her East Village apartment.
But Mr. Hardy vehemently denies that the Village apartment is not his main home.
And the sunny sills of her West Village apartment reflect this appeal, covered as they are with more than 350 species, give or take a swollen stem.
Ten years ago, when she lost her rent-controlled Village apartment, the only affordable place she could find was on Ocean Parkway.
After receiving seven offers on their Village apartment, they sold it for $807,000.
Finally, they re-united for good a year and a half ago, after many talks on the fire escape of her East Village apartment.
Rita Lasar was padding around her East Village apartment after breakfast when the news crackled over the radio.
Inspired by her classes, she began giving facials to her friends out of her East Village apartment.
That led to a scene in front of her East Village apartment involving police intervention and "public shaming," he said.
A year earlier, I'd given up my Village apartment for a junior year in Paris.