It was originally hosted without a domain name by Village Roadshow.
This gave Austereo, and therefore Village Roadshow, control of two national networks.
Village Roadshow was also involved with the game's development and with its release in the United States.
The announcement detailed Village Roadshow would now be investing $115 million into the park ahead of its planned December 2013 opening.
He first worked in the film industry at Village Roadshow in Los Angeles.
They developed a pilot and took it to Village Roadshow, who within 24 hours signed a marketing and distribution agreement.
The company was acquired by Village Roadshow in 1988.
On 20 December 2012, Foxtel announced a movie deal with Village Roadshow.
In 1989, Village Roadshow went public, making an aggressive move into other markets, such as film production, theme parks and radio.
Village Roadshow has scaled back its international cinema markets to Australia and Singapore.