"The Vietnamese leaders have a clear economic agenda," one senior Administration official said today.
Since the end of the war, Vietnamese leaders have worried about the disparities between the northern and southern regions of the nation.
Originally the North Vietnamese leaders expected the campaign would last two years, be completed in 1976, and pave the way for final victory.
Vietnamese leaders, as in China, are afraid of the political impact of economic development.
The Vietnamese leaders surveyed the area, carefully scanning canal nine, a little less than eight hundred meters to our left.
Part of their mission was to deliver a letter from the President to Vietnamese leaders.
The Vietnamese leader isn't viewed as an individual but as the collective spirit of the people.
The two sides had reached "an identical view" on the visit to China of "Vietnamese leaders within this year".
Vietnamese leaders know, analysts say, that they must create many more jobs to maintain political stability among a population of 80 million, overwhelmingly young people.
The seeming contradiction is the product of a watershed moment for Vietnamese leaders.