Chinese who chose to remain in Vietnam adopted Vietnamese customs and culture.
Also đập nêu (pot-hitting) appears in Vietnamese traditional custom.
As is Vietnamese custom, they took a break around 9 for tea, coffee and cigarettes.
It was left there after an argument with Vietnamese customs, which wanted a king's ransom for the little bottle of spirit that came with it.
He was fourteen years older and referred to her as "little niece" in accordance with Vietnamese custom.
Also, in Vietnamese funeral custom, special him performed for the dead every seventh day after the eath.
Nights and weekends were spent training in night movement and conducting lectures on Vietnamese customs, history, culture and language'.
According to Vietnamese custom, these people should be called by given name only or middle name + given name when given names are the same.
Many, if not all Vietnamese customs and laws were declared invalid.
In Vietnamese custom as with other East Asian cultures, the surname precedes the given names.