A Vietnamese boy stands near a traffic of flowers, their colors a reprieve against winter's darkness.
Mother Phan said, "Marriage already arranged, future bright, now good Vietnamese boy left without bride."
During a domestic disturbance call, the two return a frightened Vietnamese boy to a man who says he is the boy's uncle.
He told me about a Vietnamese boy he sponsored in 1975, after the fall of Saigon.
There was a Vietnamese boy.
Brandt drew on his cigarette and threw it, still lit, to a Vietnamese boy a few yards away.
He is divorced and lives with three adopted children, twin Korean girls and a Vietnamese boy.
When he was almost halfway across, he saw a Vietnamese boy on the far bank.
A sketch of Marine positions is found on the dead body of a 13-year-old Vietnamese boy who sold drinks to the Marines the day before.
Looking at an altar boy, Kane momentarily sees a Vietnamese boy.