The final four crews paid tribute to the most memorable Video Music Award performances of all time.
He brought her to the Video Music Awards as his date.
First, she offers her worst lip sync ever on the Video Music Awards last month.
As the 2011 Video Music Awards, the awards, for the first time, didn't have a host.
Like her drag performance on this year's Video Music Awards, it was kind of uncomfortable to watch.
But the Video Music Awards still show off the network's commitment to a wide range of genres.
And the winner would get to stage the scaled-down 2006 Video Music Awards in his or her backyard.
And so in that sense it was a totally appropriate moment for the Video Music Awards.
Poison infamously performed it at Video Music Awards in 1991.
Reinvention might be needed for the Video Music Awards.
The final four crews paid tribute to the most memorable Video Music Award performances of all time.
He brought her to the Video Music Awards as his date.
First, she offers her worst lip sync ever on the Video Music Awards last month.
As the 2011 Video Music Awards, the awards, for the first time, didn't have a host.
Like her drag performance on this year's Video Music Awards, it was kind of uncomfortable to watch.
But the Video Music Awards still show off the network's commitment to a wide range of genres.
And the winner would get to stage the scaled-down 2006 Video Music Awards in his or her backyard.
And so in that sense it was a totally appropriate moment for the Video Music Awards.
Poison infamously performed it at Video Music Awards in 1991.
Reinvention might be needed for the Video Music Awards.