The main pedestrian entrance, the Victory Arch (known as Exit 5), is a memorial to company staff who were killed during the two world wars.
The Victory Arch was established as a memorial to those who served in the American armed forces during periods of war.
Mr. Hussein built the Victory Arch to commemorate what he viewed as the definitive victory in the war against Iran in the 1980s.
Work was halted and, for now, the Victory Arch remains.
The committee plans a new statue to replace the Victory Arch: a copy of Mr. Hussein's rifle, with the barrel tied in a knot.
In May 1962, Brittingham saw the city's new Victory Arch dedicated.
The Victory Arch is a symbol linking the past to the present.
The mosque, still in use, is the architectural climax here: you can fall over backward gawking at the Victory Arch.
Just behind the north upright there is the Victory Arch, dating back to 1936.
The Victory Arch was established in 1936 to face north.